Sundays at 9:30am & 11:30am

How to Vote as a Follower of Jesus

How to Vote as a Follower of Jesus

When it comes to voting, remember this singular truth: for the believer, the Scriptures, not opinion, society, a candidate, or political party, defines what is true.

What does the word say about justice and mercy?
• What does the word say about when life begins?
• What does the word say about corruption, greed and the love of money?
• What does the word say about standing up for what is right?
• What does the word say about loving your enemy?
• What does the word say about raising a family in godliness?
• What does the word say about godliness and holiness?
• What does the word say about gender and sexuality?

Don’t know? You may want to investigate for yourself. Long before constitutions or amendments existed, Scripture laid the foundation for truth. Throughout history, human beings have twisted Scripture to serve their own beliefs, but at the end of our lives, God will ask each of us what we did with the truth we knew. Did we live it, or did we merely debate it? Many believers engage in political activism, yet their personal lives remain untouched by the hope and godliness the gospel offers.

After this election day, remember that Jesus knows who truly sits on the throne of your heart. Prioritize getting right with God because the wounds of a life without Him cut deeper than the results of any election.

Cast your vote, but put your trust in Jesus.

~Ps. Klen

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